Well I have an exciting upcoming in just 2 days on the Saturday the 19th to Sunday the 27th of December. I'll be heading out to California to visit 3 different places! I'm going with Gabby to meet her Mom and family and I am excited! Not only because I am meeting Gabby's Mom for the first time, but because of the opportunity to shoot 3 different places for my portfolio! Tehachapi, California, Monterrey Beach in California, and San Francisco, California! I know that last one caught everyones eye. What an opportunity it is to be able to shoot in this beautiful historic city! I've been there before because I lived in Alameda, California for a year which is right outside of San Francisco. So away from the cold and snow and off to the sunny sandy beaches of California! YESS!!!!
New Images
Finally got to process some images since I've been so busy. One from the 16th St. Mall, on from the light rail station re shoot, and some from the Denver County Court Building.

My New Logo
So I had been messing around with different colors for my logo and I have finally decided on one. It's simple black white and Gray. Easy on the eyes and easy for print! The gray was recently a red color. Have also finished my website i just need to host it and get it live online! I'll let you know when i do!

Photos for the Wall
So i decided to submit 4 photos for "The Wall" this quarter, and it was a tough decision on choosing but decided on doing "Fremont Street" in Las Vegas, "Theater District Convention Center Station", Denver, "Tree Roots" in Garden of the Gods, and a diptych of 2 portraits of my dad.

Finished with the quarter
I'm wrapped up with the quarter now. I had 3 classes and i know at least in 2 of the classes I have A's so thats good! Good for my GPA since i graduate next quarter. That will be helpful!
HDR with one image/photo edit
I found a tutorial online on how to create an HDR using either Lightroom or Camera RAW in Photoshop. I created these in Camera RAW, and i was pleased the results. Here's the before and afters. I'd like to share my final method but that's for me to know and you to find out... Or create your own method!

Well that's about it for now. I won't be updating most likely until i get back from California next week.
Happy Holidays!