Me Gabby and Skye took a trip out to Moab, Utah to visit her friend. We had a blast out there, camping, swimming, fishing 4x4ing on trails and jumping off cliffs! It was really nice to get out of the city and into the wilderness. Something about having to cook your food using a camp stove which I actually enjoyed, and gathering firewood to build a fire to keep you warm really humbles you. You really take a lot of things for granted like being able to walk down the street to a nice restaurant and eating a nice meal without doing any work, or sleeping on a nice mattress as opposed to a blow up mattress that doesn't even stay inflated.
I really enjoyed the time we spent out there and I was glad to get some good photos. I had never been to Moab, but it's a gorgeous place and a great place to camp. Our friends actually got caught in a flash flood at Delicate Arch, which is the famous rock arch Moab is known for. It rained a lot we'll we were out there, but we were pretty lucky to stay dry.
The last day we were there we went to Mill Creek, which was this place you had to hike back too. The hike wasn't too bad; you just had to avoid poison ivy, bugs, and scorpions. The hike was well worth it. It was a waterfall and small creek. The water got to about 6ft deep and got pretty cold. Skye had fun jumping around in the water and I had fun jumping off the cliff with some of my friends. It was a pretty high jump. Definitely and adventure though! : )
After that we hiked back to the car and headed for Twin Lakes, Colorado. The drive there was gorgeous as you can see in some of the pics Twin Lakes is known for it's fishing, and it's another place Gabby and I have never been to. We got just before it started getting dark and were able to pitch a tent, and start a fire. The campsite was located in the San Isabel National Forest. The next day we headed down to do some fishing. Unfortunately it wasn't the best fishing experience. I broke my pole within the first hour. I'm not to experienced with fishing, and I had only done it once before. Gabby on the other hand has been crab and salmon fishing being from Alaska and all. I can't wait to make it up there sometime soon because I've heard so many good things about it, just never been. We didn't like the fishing at Twin Lakes so we headed out to Turquoise Lake which is in Leadville, which we heard about from a local in the town.
The place there was nice, there was a nice room to put the chairs, and there were only 2 other people there. It was 2 older man, and they were very friendly and welcoming. One of them had one leg, and was on crutches and was still fishing! He was catching them like a cold! By the time we left he had caught about 35 fish! The other guy that was there gave us some fishing tips and lent us some fishing tools. Unfortunately our fishing lines kept getting tangled and we had to keep re-doing our line. Gabby fortunately was able to catch a small rainbow trout though!
After fishing we headed back to the campsite which was in the San Isabel National Forest. We cooked some food on the camp stove, started a fire and roasted some marshmallows for smores. You can't go camping without having smores! After that we decided to take a drive around town at night and do a bit of exploring. We were able to find some really cool 4x4 trails in the back country, and we tested our Jeep out for the first time! It did great, no flat tires or other problem with the car. It was a blast.
We headed back to the campsite pretty late, and decided we were just going to drive home in the morning. We were planning on staying a couple more days, but we figured we would get back to the city and wind down. So we left Friday night for Moab, stayed there until Monday, than drove out to Twin Lakes Monday night, and stayed there until Wednesday morning. I was having fun every minute of it, and can't wait to do it again.
Trips like this humble you, and let you appreciate nature and all of its beauty. Enjoy the photos and I'll blog you later!
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