Well, my love and interest for Documentary Photography has finally convinced me to start shooting as a documentary photographer. Although I haven't studied fully into the art of being a documentary photographer, or what the standards, codes and qualifications are, I just jumped in the pool and never looked back.
I documented my first event "The Denver 420 Rally 2010" at Civic Center Park. In other words National Weed Day. Marijuana now has it's own official holiday. When it comes to marijuana, politics and a lot of pot heads coming together in one place, this is it. This was a historic event not only for medical marijuana users and pot heads alike, but the politics behind it. There are a variety of marijuana dispensaries in the state of Colorado, and getting marijuana has become more easier than ever. You have a medical reason to get a marijuana license from a doctor and its that easy.
This event was a rally to legalize marijuana. They're were about 80 Denver Police Officers stationed for the event, and they're only objective was to keep the park safe for everyone to use. This shows blind eyes that marijuana has become an accepted drug for medicinal and recreational uses.
Your grandparents may not agree with the "legal" use of marijuana, but in Colorado the words "legal" and "marijuana use" are going to become very believable and very true...